2024 Lok sabha elections- Some initial thoughts

Prima facie, it seems 2004 all over again. Everybody seems to have been carried by the narrative of election being a foregone conclusion but the voters believed otherwise. Like 2004, all exit polls end up with egg on their face. It is possible they did not carry the polls altogether, just went with the prevailing […]

Read More 2024 Lok sabha elections- Some initial thoughts


To an educational institute, success is an outcome of its academic competence. Implied is the aptitude to roil out students of the highest academic achievement year over year. A pursuit towards the same lies in the rigour of the evaluation system. At first glance it must be conceded the output determined by the academic achievements […]


Perverse Economics of Mao’s Agenda

To many, economics still seems to be operating in an abstract zone with little connection to reality. Yet it is far from the truth. Instances abound in everyday life where economics find a conscious or subconscious applications. Economists like Schelling, Becker, Frank, Levitt among many others delved deep into these dimensions to build about a […]

Read More Perverse Economics of Mao’s Agenda

New Economies of the Digital Age

Technology underpinned economy and culture is unlocking idling capacity and value of assets, from skills to spaces to material possessions, in ways and on a scale never possible before. The industrial information economy predicated on scale and scope. The new economy is not about scale or scope which are ancillary to the main objective. Through […]

Read More New Economies of the Digital Age